Hiring A Snow Removal Service And What You Can Expect
In areas of the country that see a lot of snow throughout the winter, snow removal is essential. Homeowners and businesses alike will often hire snow removal companies to clear the way for people to get in and out of the driveway or parking areas with relative ease.
Residential Snow Plowing Services
When you hire a snow plowing service, you more than likely are going to get one truck with a plow and a driver that comes and plows the snow out of the driveway of your home. They will often clean out as close as they can to the walkways and entrances of the house, but they will not usually shovel sidewalks and paths for you.
Snowplow services make their money on volume, so they want to get in and out of each customer's driveway quickly. The time it would take to shovel as well as plow would take far too much time. You can hire someone to shovel later if you like, but the plow truck driver is going to open up the driveway and get the snow out of the way so you can get in and out of the driveway.
Commercial Snow Removal Services
A commercial operation that offers snow removal to businesses is often much larger. If you have a large parking area that you need to be kept clear of snow, the snow removal company may bring some equipment and leave it on-site, so it is there and ready when it snows.
The snow removal contractor will remove the snow from the parking area for you and can often offer salt and sand spreading operations as well. Many times large snow removal companies will salt the drive lanes and parking areas after removing the snow to make it safer for people to move around in the parking area. In the spring, they can haul away the snow piles form the property for you if you like.
Commercial snow removal operations often include clearing sidewalks and entrances around your business. The company may employ a few people to shovel by hand, or they may use a small piece of equipment like a skid steer to get up close to the entrance and get the snow off the walkway. If you need or want this extra service from your snow removal company, be sure to ask about it before the snow removal season starts so the contractor can line of a shovel crew if they need to.
For more information, contact companies like Seattle Snow.