Various Types Of Dash Camera Systems For Trucks And Their Purposes
Are you in the market for dash camera systems for your fleet of commercial trucks? Equipping your fleet vehicles with dash cams is an investment that can pay off handsomely.
Dashcams increase driver visibility and awareness while giving fleet managers more control over the safety of their vehicles. In case anything happens on the road, fleet managers can record and see the event. That said, not all dash cams available for fleet trucks are created equal. There are many different types of truck dashboard cameras on the market, with each created for specific purposes.
Outlined below are the main types of dash camera systems for trucks and their functions.
Front-Facing Dash Cameras
When it comes to ensuring the safety of your fleet drivers and other road users, extra help on the road is always welcome. As their name suggests, front-facing cameras show the road ahead.
Your truckers are always at risk of other road users doing something wrong and causing an accident. Front-facing cams can record this and exonerate your drivers and company if other drivers are at fault.
On the downside, if your drivers are at fault, the footage from your dash cams can be used against your fleet or trucking business.
Driver-Facing Dash Cameras
As opposed to front-facing cams that show a front view of the road, driver-facing cams monitor all in-cabin activity, including driver behavior. They can bring a fleet manager's attention to high-risk driving behavior that puts fleet drivers and other drivers at risk of an accident. That said, in-cab cams can also be used to indicate a company's commitment to driver coaching on road safety and awareness.
What's more, interior cameras can help increase cargo safety by capturing activity inside a vehicle. While the cams won't stop someone from breaking into the driver's cabin and stealing the cargo, they can record and store footage that can be used to identify and arrest the perpetrators.
On the downside, many truck drivers don't like a driver-facing camera capturing everything they do.
Dual-Facing Dash Cams
While a front-facing dash cam offers excellent visibility and coverage of the road ahead, it doesn't alert you of driver behavior. In a similar vein, an interior cam will record all in-cab activity but fail to show the road ahead.
By capturing inward- and outward-facing video, dual-facing dash cams help reduce high-risk driving behavior while absolving not-at-fault drivers of any wrongdoing on the road.
Need to learn more about dash camera systems for trucks before making a buying decision? Fret not. The experts at your local dash cam supplier for trucks can help.