4 Ways To Take Care Of Your Vintage Watches
Watches are wonderful and complex pieces of equipment. One of the most fascinating things about watches is that they have been around for hundreds of years, which means that there is a lot of vintage watches that you can choose from on the market. If you purchase a vintage watch, it is essential to know how to take care of it so that you can continue to enjoy it for years to come.
1. Be Gentle with Your Watch
First, it is essential to keep in mind that watches made decades ago were not made with the same high-tech materials used to make watches today. They don't have the same materials, parts, or coating on them. What that means is that you need to be more careful with your vintage watch. You need to take care not to scratch your watch or hit it against any hard surfaces.
Don't wear your watch when doing athletic activities where it could get hit or damaged. You are going to want to take it off and clean it regularly. You need to treat your watch a little more gently if you want it to continue to last.
2. Be Willing to Accept a Little Drift
Second, with a vintage watch, you need to be willing to accept a little drift. Your watch may go off by a minute or two during the day; this type of drift is perfectly normal with a vintage watch. The performance will still be good, but it may not be perfect.
3. Be Careful with Winding
If you have an older watch, it is going to be a mechanical watch. With a machinal watch, you are going to have to wind the watch to keep it working. You need to be careful with how you wind the watch, though. You can wind the watch when it is still running; you don't have to wait for it to stop in order to continue to wind the watch. When you wind the watch, it is essential to pay attention to how everything feels. When the watch stops winding smoothly and you start to feel resistant, you will want to stop. Don't push it as overwinding the watch can damage it.
4. Keep it Out of Water
A vintage watch is not designed to be waterproof or water-resistant in the same way as a modern watch. So you are going to want to take your watch off before bathing and before going in any body of water. If you get your vintage watch wet, that could cause fog to appear inside of your watch, so keep it out of the water.
If you want to purchase or already own a vintage watch, make sure you take proper care of it. Be gentle with your watch, keep it out of the water, be careful with winding, and be willing to accept a little imperfection with the timing of your watch.