Well Drilling 101: The Basic Process

Opting for a drilled well as your water supply is only the first step in the process. After you've made that decision, there are some additional considerations that you'll have to take into account. Before you start the process, it's in your best interest to know what to expect. That way, you can be fully prepared for what's to come. Here's a look at a few of the things that you need to understand before you have the well drilled on your property.

You Need To Determine Your Water Needs

The first step in having a well drilled on your property is knowing how much water you need from that well. Take some time to talk with your well drilling contractor about how many people there are in your family, what types of things you use water for, and how much water you use on a daily basis.

If you expect there to be any changes in your water demand, you'll need to take that into account as well. For example, if you anticipate your family expanding in the next few years, that's something you'll need to tell your well drilling contractor.

You Need To Find Water

The next step in adding a well to your property is to determine its placement. In order to do that, you'll have to determine where the water flows on the land. This requires some test drilling and prospecting of the property.

You should be prepared for your well drilling company to send someone out to assess your property. They will evaluate the water table, test the soil, and find the best location for the driller to place your well based on the location of your home and the amount of water your household will need.

Be prepared to point out any potential contamination hazards, including pesticide and other chemical storage, livestock habitats, and other concerns so that your well water can be confirmed safe.

Prepare For The Work

When the drilling date approaches, make sure that the work area and the entire path to it have been cleared. Remember that your drilling contractor will bring in the equipment necessary to drill and cap the well, so you should ensure that there's adequate space and capacity for that equipment and the crew required to do the work. 

Talk with a water well drilling contractor near you today for more help and information. They will help you to get the water supply that you need.
