Great Advice For Getting The Most Out Of Infrared Building Tests
Infrared building tests are designed to check for areas that might be leaking out air, both hot and cold. Then when these areas are spotted, adjustments can be made that improve a building's overall insulation. If you're having one of these tests performed on your own building, consider this advice.
See if Drone Technology Is Available
If you want to make an infrared building test more convenient and effective, one thing you should look for is drone technology. A lot of infrared testing companies are starting to utilize it because it saves them from having to waste as much time and energy completing these thermal inspections.
Drones can reach anywhere around a property (inside and out) to carry out these infrared tests as long as the drone operator is properly trained. This drone technology is also going to help you capture infrared images a lot faster than if an inspector examined each area in person.
Try to Pinpoint Problem Areas Before Testing
One thing that can help with the focus of an infrared building test is if you pinpoint problem areas around your building that are contributing to air loss. If you've been in the same building for years, you may have noticed some red flags like drafts or visible cracks around doors and windows.
You just need to make a note of these problem areas and then give this information to the company carrying out the infrared building test. They can then be more focused when using infrared testing equipment like drones and handheld thermal camera systems.
Utilize Infrared Testing Again After Insulation Adjustments
The great thing about infrared building testing is that it's going to let you know where the air is leaking out around your property. Thus, you'll know what areas to treat with insulation adjustments. Just make sure that after these adjustments are performed, you follow up with another infrared test.
It's going to let you know for certain if your insulation adjustments were impactful in alleviating air loss around certain areas. If the inspection reports come back negative for air loss, you know the tactics and resources you used to make insulation adjustments were substantial.
Some buildings have insulation deficiencies that then cause air to leak out. That can lead to increased heating and cooling costs, but there is a solution in infrared building tests. As long as you make sure the right parts of your building are inspected with the right resources, you'll get back impactful results that you can use to make meaningful changes to the insulation.
Contact a local infrared building testing service for more information.