Think You Need A Water Treatment For Your Home? How To Know And Types Of Water Treatment Systems
If you think you need water treatment for your home, below is information so you will know for sure that you do. You will also find information about different types of water treatment systems that is available for you so you can get it installed.
Water Treatment
The first thing you should do is have your water tested to determine what is actually in it. There may be contaminants in the water that you would not know about. Contact your local water company and they can tell you how you can get this tested and then you will receive a report to show the findings.
Once you get the report back and determine there are contaminants, this can show what type of water treatment you need. This is because not all treatment systems remove the same types of contaminants. The company that provides the water treatment will ask to see the report. They can then know what treatment system they need to install for you. For example, if your home's water has a lot of contaminants, a whole house system should be installed.
Types of Water Treatment Systems
There are different types of water treatment systems to choose from. This includes a system that treats water in your entire house or installing water filters to treat water in one area, such as at a bathroom or kitchen sink. If you do not want to spend a lot of money or if there are not a lot of contaminants in your water, you can choose a countertop water filter system.
Countertop filters and filters installed at certain faucets are known as point-of-use water treatment systems (POU). This also includes a water filter known as reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment system.
The system that treats the water in your entire home is called a point of entry system (POE), also known as a whole house system. If you have city water, the company installs a POE system outside close to the water meter. If you have well water, the system is installed near the well. There are also systems that will soften hard water, and use filters that remove chlorine from the water, which will make the water taste better and remove odors from the water.
Talk with the company that installs water treatment systems to learn much more about the different types available. They can also tell you how the system you choose is installed. For more information on water filtration treatment, contact a professional near you.